[aims-announce] [Netsoft 2018] The deadline is approaching

prosper.chemouil at orange.com prosper.chemouil at orange.com
Tue Nov 28 12:15:01 CET 2017

|                Call for Papers, Tutorials, Workshops and Demos                  |
|                                                                                 |
|                               IEEE NetSoft 2018                                 |
|                    The 4th IEEE International Conference on                     |
|                             Network Softwarization                              |
|                     "Achieving smart network softwarization"                    |
|                        25-29 June 2018, Montreal, Canada                        |
|                             http://ieee-netsoft.org                             |

The  4th  IEEE   International Conference on  Network Softwarization (NetSoft 2018)
will  be  held on June 25-29, 2018  at  Concordia  University  in Montreal, Canada.
IEEE  NetSoft  has  been  created  as  a  flagship conference aiming at  addressing
"Softwarization"  of  networks  and  systemic  trends  concerning  the  convergence
of  Cloud  Computing,  Software-Defined   Networking (SDN),  and  Network  Function
Virtualization (NFV). IEEE   Netsoft  is   technically co-sponsored  by   the  IEEE
Communications Society and the IEEE Computer Society.

The  telecommunications  landscape  is  expected to change radically  in   the  next
few  years.  Pervasive  ultra-broadband, programmable  networks, and  cost reduction
of IT systems   are   paving  the   way  to  new  services   and  commoditization of
telecommunications infrastructure  while  lowering entrance barriers for new players
and giving rise to  new value  chains. While this results in considerable challenges
for service providers, this transformation  also  brings unprecedented opportunities
for the Digital Society and  the Digital Economy  related to emerging  new  services
and applications. Examples include  Tactile Internet of Things, Industry  4.0, Cloud
Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence. 5G will both accelerate and exploit this huge
transformation, and as such, smart networking with embedded AI techniques leveraging
NFV  and  SDN becomes essential. This will be made possible through the exploitation
of  massive  network  data  with  analytic  tools  and  machine  learning,  allowing
for proactive management of softwarized infrastructures.

This trend will be reflected in NetSoft 2018 in the various topics of interest under
the theme "Achieving smart network softwarization"  and the conference will serve as
a forum to discuss the latest advances in this area.

Topics of interest

NetSoft 2018 will  feature technical paper presentations, keynotes, tutorials, demos
and  exhibitions from world-leading experts representing service providers, vendors,
research institutes, open source projects, and academia. Additionally, topical work-
shops  will  be  co-located  so various call  for  proposals are issued.  The topics
of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Programmable SDN and NFV
- Softwarized cloud, fog, and edge infrastructures
- Cognitive and autonomic networking
- Network slicing and slice management
- Policy-Based Networking and Intent-Based Networking in Software-Defined
- Centralized vs Distributed control, management & orchestration
- Abstractions and virtualization of resources, services, and functions
- Service function chaining
- Container/microservice-based network functions
- Real-time operations and efficient network/service monitoring in SDN/NFV
- Analytics and big data approaches for managing softwarized networks
- QoS and QoE in softwarized infrastructures
- Resilience, reliability, and robustness of softwarized networks
- Mobility/Security/Safety/Trust support in virtualized environments
- SDN switch/router architecture and design
- APIs, protocols, and languages for programmable networks
- Lifecycle management of network software
- Debugging and introspection of software-defined virtualized systems
- Transition strategies from existing networks to SDN/NFV
- Softwarized platforms for Internet of Things (IoT)
- New service models and paradigms enabled by softwarization
- New value chains and business models
- Socio-economic impact and regulatory implications for softwarization
- Energy efficient and green SDI
- Experience reports from experimental testbeds and deployments

Call for Submissions
This trend will be reflected in NetSoft 2018 in the various topics of interest under
Researchers  are  invited  to submit technical  papers, tutorial, demo and  workshop
proposals that fall into the conference's  topics  of  interest. Deadlines are:

- December 1, 2017 : Technical Papers
- December 15, 2017: Workshop Proposals
- January 15, 2018 : Tutorial Proposals
- May 4, 2018      : Demo Proposals

Accepted  and  presented  technical  papers  will  be  published  in  the conference
proceedings and submitted for publication to IEEE Xplore.

For  more  details about  submission format and procedure, please check

General Co-Chairs
- Prosper Chemouil, Orange Labs, France
- Noura Limam, University of Waterloo, Canada

TPC Co-Chairs
- Chadi Assi, Concordia University, Canada
- Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville, UFRGS, Brazil
- Imen Grida Ben Yahia, Orange Labs, France

Workshop Co-Chairs
Alex Galis, UCL, UK
Abdelkader Lahmadi, University of Lorraine, France

Tutorial Co-Chairs
Baek-Young Choi, University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA
Daniel Migault, Ericsson Research, Canada

Demo Co-Chairs
Jérôme François, Inria, France
Rashid Mijumbi, Nokia Bell Labs, Ireland
Jeebak Mitra, Huawei, Canada


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