[aims-announce] Last chance to participate: *non-virtual* PhD School on

Marc-Oliver Pahl pahl at net.in.tum.de
Tue Sep 1 11:51:43 CEST 2020

Dear PhD candidates,

our 3rd Phd School Future-IoT "IoT meets Security” 
in Strasbourg from Oct 5-9, 2020.

Check the program: https://summerschool20.future-iot.org/program/
An register fast (only 5 places left): https://forms.gle/K4hXCb1z7p7Kr1Nu8

If you live too far away, we will again live stream the event. You can also register *for free* for the stream only and we inform you about the streams during the summer school. However, you will miss the exciting on-site experience:

A unique possibility for getting to know people in your domain, networking, and simply having a wonderful week with an outstanding program and a rich surrounding program.

This year we have more industry-involvement than ever before with Airbus Defence and Space, Amazon, ArianeGroup, Atos, elm.leblanc S.A.S., and Siemens.
Also a first: we host all PhDs in the same hotel (included in your registration), increasing networking and the possibility for joint activities even more!

The industrial partners will be present throughout the week. They bring-in exciting industry-perspectives in their keynotes and hackathon challenges. In addition, they offer you the possibility for direct exchange with a potential future employer.

Our maximum participant number is at 40. Currently 5 places are left.
So better be fast if you want to join: https://school.future-iot.org/ 
You do NOT have to pay during registration. Payment details and binding registration info will follow individually soon after your application (if we select you). 

Looking forward to meeting you in Strasbourg, Marc-Oliver 

Please share among your interested friends and colleagues.

Call for Participation especially for PhD students, practitioners, PostDocs, and Master Students

3rd Future IoT PhD School "IoT meets Security" 
Oct 5 (Mon)-9 (Fri), 2020 | Strasbourg | France
summer20 at future-iot.org

The registration is open from now until we selected 40 candidates, so register today!

Organized by Institut Mines Télécom and Technical University of Munich
as a flagship event of the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future
in collaboration with leading industry partners from France and Germany including
Airbus Defence and Space, Amazon, ArianeGroup, Atos, elm.leblanc S.A.S., and Siemens.

Supported by Carnot Télécom & Société numérique, German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future, and Université franco-allemande Deutsch-Französische Hochschule UFA/DFH.

(Check the website for updates.)

Security is the central challenge of the Internet of Things (IoT) today. Imagine a robot going crazy and hurting workers, or a car doing mass surveillance and sharing information about the people in its neighbourhood to remote storages. We will discover attacks and protection mechanisms together with you not only theoretical but hands on in the challenges provided directly from the factories and research labs of our industrial partners.

In our summer school we will introduce you to the fascinating world of the Industrial Internet of Things, the IoT that makes factories and critical infrastructure run. You will learn about many different aspects from device manufacturing over communication protocol and semantics to application management - all with a focus on security.

The Future IoT summer school offers an exciting mix of lectures, hands-on tutorial, and hackathon challenges. There is also a lot of room for getting to know each other, networking, and exploring our hosting city!

Some facts:
40 students from all over the world connecting to each other and working on real challenges
8+2 Keynotes and lectures from top industrial and academic experts.
10 exciting challenges you will work on in teams of 4 coming directly from our industry partners in our startup hackathon.
2 city tour events with dinners
1 secret fun event with dinner
1 hacking night with games and pizza.
1 pitch event in front of our expert jury on Friday with prizes!
Direct contact to key people of the participating companies.
A unique location with excellent food.
Multiple organized events to get to know our hosting location.

Please help us spread the word to potential applicants. Thanks!

We are looking forward to meeting you in Strasbourg!

Marc-Oliver Pahl (TUM) & Nicolas Montavont (IMT)

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