[aims-announce] post-doc Vision-Based Navigation

Abdel-Illah Mouaddib abdel-illah.mouaddib at unicaen.fr
Sat Apr 11 16:49:13 CEST 2020

Two 1-year post-doctoral positions are immediately available in the domain of assistive robotics in the MAD Group of GREYC-UMR CNRS Lab at The university of Caen Normandie.


A collaboration between MAD Group and some organisms (Malls and Hospitals) has been established to develop a scientific program for autonomous system able to guide and assist people in these complex environments with complex signals. Two important issues that will be addressed in this program is the safe navigation and social interaction using vision systems and other sensors helping in detecting people and their behavior. 


The objectives of these two post-doc positions consist in developing new models and algorithms for vision able to allow a system to detect a people or a group of people, to compute their locations, formations and orientations but also to recognize their activities (phoning, running, reading newspapers, …). Another issue consists in using vision to track a person while the system (robot) is moving toward a destination and using vision to move in a formation with a person or a group of persons. And the third issue concerns the introduction of some social norms for navigation and interaction with a person or a group of persons. 

---- Required Backgrounds ----

The candidate should have a strong knowledge:
	On Robotic vision and image/video processing and related theoretic domains;
	On Navigation and path planning and related theoretic domains are appreciated;
	C/C++, Java, Python, ROS,  … 
	Implementation experiences on real robots.

------ Location and possible starting dates of positions --------------

	Location: The selected candidate integrates the MAD group of GREYC Lab at Caen city in Normandy
	Expected starting date: September 2020
	Salary: 44K€/year 

---------------- Applications ----------------------

	Candidate should send their CV to abdel-illah.mouaddib at unicaen.fr

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